Thursday, June 16, 2005

Jobs Speech

Steve Jobs gave the commencement address at Stanford this weekend, A Must read.

full transcript here.

via Leave IT Behind

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Chennai Podcasting Meet

This sounds like fun…wish I was in town to attend…let me wait and download it. The rest of you should attend.

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Monday, June 13, 2005


Came across this new Blog/Tag service, via Rodrigo. It is an interesting presentation of the content in the blog/site. I need to check if they have any api that developers could use to write facilities / functionalities on the same.

It sure makes tracking a lot of blogs a lot easier. Let me explain, there are always a a few blogger who you read all thier content and there are a lot of others whose content you pick and chose and read, i would like to use the cloud for the later type of blogs, so i can look at the clouds and go only to the tags that i find usefull/interesting. - What do you think?

Here is my cloud(sounds pretty funny!)...Has two feeds flowing into it one this one and the other the CIO Weblog that i write at.

Another thought i was thinking it would be pretty cool if i put in my Newsgator Clippings RSS feed into the cloud too as the Clippings directory has a lot of stuff that i came across and would like to read some time. This should be usefull there too.

Update: Presently there is nothing in my cloud...but they did say it takes lets wait and watch.Tag(s):

Sunday, June 12, 2005

GMAIL is down

I am not able to reach GMAIL to check my email. Can anybody else confirm if its down.

Friday, June 10, 2005

BIRT Release 1.0 Out!!

BIRT is an Eclipse-based open source reporting system for web applications, especially those based on Java and J2EE. BIRT has two main components: a report designer based on Eclipse, and a runtime component that you can add to your app server. BIRT also offers a charting engine that lets you add charts to your own application.

BIRT Presentation at the MySQL User Conference.

The Eclipse-based project was initiated by Actuate, a BI vendor. Interestingly, BIRT is a new project and not a pre-existing product that was opened up. A lot of people seem to be wondering why Actuate would do this. It seems to me that they are going for the open source and Java developer audience, probably hoping to become a de-facto vendor in the Java BI development space. None of the BI vendors are paying much attention to open source, other than the porting their products to Linux.

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Benefits of RSS

RSS has three important benefits:

Consistency – Disparate content can fit into one format
Portability – Any device with a reader can read RSS
Serendipity – Facilitates the discovery of information you didn’t know you wanted to read

via Alacra

i like the last point, it makes a lot of sense to me, i have learnt a lot of coool new stuff on a variety of topics after i have started reading blogs.


Social Networking Thru Books

Came across this ConnectViaBooks particular site, which is a social networking which uses books as a connecting point, quite a good idea. i am enrolled. Go check it out. Pretty simple to register.

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Automotive Web Site & CRM Analysed

Loved reading this post by Jim Lejeal on how the CRM system & web Systems work in Automotive companies he has taken the example of the Mitsubushi and made some key observations, which I believe are applicable to any domain do check it out here.

“Thanks for you inquiry. An E-commerce specialist from XXXXXXXX MITSUBISHI will contact you soon about your customized new Mistubishi vehicle. In the meantime, feel free to return to to learn more.”

Ummm – sort of a lost opportunity – these guys should read a few Godin books – and get on the permission-based marketing wagon – oye – why not pull me deeper in – offer me a payment calculator or get my on a voice-over-IP call with a rep that can talk me into a test drive – or better yet – why isn’t my email sounding off I have an email from them telling me I matter? Hmmm …

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Monday, June 06, 2005

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Originally uploaded by Prashanth.Rai.
Mindmap of Chapter 3 of the book Winning, By Jack Welch.


Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1

All or Nothing Vs Everything In Moderation

Read this interesting post at the OnlyOnce Blog, I know exactly what the author is talking about , Which phase are you going through now.

Shifting Gears

My Grandma Hazel has a Yiddish saying that she uses to describe me from time to time -- "gor oder gornisht" -- which means "all or nothing." My Dad has a Greek saying that he uses to describe me from time to time -- "meden agan" -- which means "everything in moderation." These two approaches to life seem diametrically opposed. Which is right?

Being a successful entrepreneur requires BOTH approaches, each at different times, and more important, the ability to shift gears between the two and be clear about the shift to yourself and to others.

There are periods of time when you need to be in "all or nothing mode." Push extremes. Demand more from your team. Drop lots of the items on your to-do list and grow a singular focus on The One Big Thing. Don't go for a light jog -- train for a marathon.

Then there are periods of time when you're in execution mode. The path has been defined. Things are working. Put the "life" back in your "work-life" balance. A marathon? Are you nuts? Just run 3 miles a day and stay in shape.

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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Blog Stat Functionality - PubSub

PubSub has two pretty nift feature up now,

1. Link Counts , which throws up some pretty usefull stats about the blogpshere

Eg. (For Wed 1st June)

355,509 sites created 987,436 new blog entries
1,940,969 outlinks were created to 233,465 other sites.
135,957 sites (38% of those with new entries) created outlinks.
11,792 sites (3% of those with new entries) had both inlinks and outlinks.
367,017 syndication feeds had new entries.
6% of the 5,675,694 recently active feeds monitored by PubSub had new entries.
3% of the 10,507,175 feeds monitored by PubSub had new entries.

2. Link StatsThis site gives all the linking details regarding that particular site what flows into and out of the site. pretty cool! - Check it out for your blog.

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Hallmarks of a successful partnerships

Win-Win. The parties recognize that they have key business goals in common and that the success of one party depends on the success of the other.

Basic Trust. The parties trust each other’s intentions.

Long-term perspective.
The parties are committed to a long-term relationship, one that survives shirt-term vicissitudes of business.

Excellence. the parties set high performance standards for themselves and for each other.

Competence. The parties have confidence in each other’s competence.

Joint decision-making.
The parties make key decisions jointly on matters that affect each of them.

Open communication. the parties communicate fully with each other.

Mutual influence. The parties listen to and are influenced by each other.

Mutual assistance. The parties help each other perform.

the parties recognize each other for their contributions.

Day-to-day treatment.
The parties routinely treat each other with consideration and respect.

Financial sharing.
To the extent that the collaboration is designed to generate improved financial results, the parties share equitably in those results.“

Source: The Enthusiastic Employee

Via: Management Craft

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Nice Note

Most new businesses fail because their owners think of themselves as entrepreneurs—-when they’re really just “technicians suffering from entrepreneurial seizures,” according to bestselling author Michael Gerber in an exclusive interview in the April 2005 issue of Management Consulting News. Gerber is the bestselling author of five books, including his most recent, E-Myth Mastery.

Gerber explains that true entrepreneurs must go beyond the technical work they know and love to master business planning, marketing, and financial management. They must work ON their businesses, not just IN them.

via Software Marketing Blog