Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Never Eat Alone

I bought the last copy of the book from oddesey(Local Book store, Chennai), infact I had a long day last wednesday so I called the store in the afternoon had them take it out and keep it for me and went and picked it up just before the shop closed for the day at around 2100hrs, well you must be wondering why? Why the urgency??? well, I don’t know how many of you follow tom peters (buiness consultant…management guru…REIMAGINE) blog, if you don’t now is a good time to start, recently he had a post about this book, after reading the post I went stright to amazon and checked out the first few pages that they let you read (Inside the book feature), by the time I got to the last page that was available on amazon, I decided I needed to have the book IMMEDIATLY.

And one week later I am done with the book for those of you who know me, know that I am slow reader, but this book was fantastic, I made time to read it , I would read half hour in the morning and then see if I get some time at lunch to read a little more and so on it was a book like the cliché says "couldn’t put it down".

Well, I beielve that the book has given me some phenomenal insights, I have learned one hell of a lot from the book, well!! to put it simply I need the book,

While reading the book I also looked up the site / blog of Kieth Ferrazzai (the author) on the book, there were some interesitng articles there, I read every one of them. So should you!. This book is going to be my carry everywhere / read multiple times book, I think I can learn something each time I read it.I recommend that everybody should read this book , better yet should own a copy of it.

This post I am not going to get into the details of the book , but you can in future expect constant posts about it and my implementation of it.

Update: Check out this entry at the Never Eat Alone Blog, One of the readers has summarised the key points of the book in the form of a document ...very cool.


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