Thursday, February 03, 2005

Launguage @ work

The language of Work

Has Leadership Qualities - Is tall or has a loud voice
Loyal - Can't get a job anywhere else
Expresses Themselves Well - Speaks English
Independent Worker - Nobody knows what he/she does
Quick Thinking - Offers plausible excuses
Good Communication Skills - Spends lots of time on phone
Work Is First Priority - Too ugly to get a date
Meticulous Attention To Detail - A nit picker
Great Presentation Skills - Able to bullshit
Exceptionally Well Qualified - Made no major blunders yet
Careful Thinker - Won't make a decision
Active Socially - Drinks a lot
Family Is Active Socially - Spouse drinks, too
Keen Sense Of Humor - Knows a lot of dirty jokes
Exceptionally Good Judgment – Lucky
Uses Logic On Difficult Jobs - Gets someone else to do it
Average Employee - Not too bright


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