Friday, April 09, 2004

Today after almost a 4 months or reading blogs, last evening for the first time i downloaded an outlook based news agregator called intraVnews..well for one it was pretty simple to insall, though i also had to download 23 mb dotnet famework package and install it before i could install this peice. i must have been done in all, in about 15 mins and now i have all the blogs that i am interested in available to me in my outlook clearly classified into different folders, very easy to read and manage. Everybody who seriously wants to ofollow blogs should get himself one of these otulook based aggregators. till now i was using the application developed by james gosling which i downloded from his blog called JNN(Juicy News Network), that was just something like a quick fix, but i must say i prefer the outlook based agreggator.

NOw i need to get my site set up with moveable type for blogging and then i need to test the outlook MT , developed by kunar and scoble...i downloaded it a couple of days back from thier site. Its functionality is very simeple everything u put into a folder in outlook get directly transferred to your moveable type blog. Well lets see how it works.

One other thing i did was to import Rajesh Jain OPML, in addition to the blog that i follow, i am slowly becoming a fan of RSS.

Tonite i want to spend some time trying out skype and its facility.


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