Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mobile internet to take off in India

Emergic gives 6 reasons why mobile internet is expected to take off in india

1. User want more, Not just SMS/Voice Calls
2. Excellent Mobile Infrastructure - I have been using Airtel GRPS for some time now to check mail and read blogs, the experience has been great...though i wish they didnt keep deactivating it for some strange reason...trying to work that out with support.
3. Improved phones...i use the nokia 9300 its pretty good, big screen etc, but i wish the o/s was not as sluggish (might need a reinstall of the firm ware, but in genral the capability of the phones has greatly improved, there is a lot more they can do.
4. Economics for mobile operators, today they are focussed on Customer Acquisitions...but tomorrow its going to be a fight to get the ARPU's they will need to start focussing here.
5. WIFI / 3G, the two disruptions, though i agree with this i think the disruption will come else where i dont think the problem is the speed or connectivity i beleive that the disruption will be in the application space, Operators do something hardware infrastructure is good, but what can u do to help me build more usefull applications
6. "More people will access/expereience the internet via thier mobile phone than a pc" i beleive Jonathan schwartz said it some time back, this is particularly true in India, Every body seems to be having a mobile phone...the only thing that they are probably waiting for is an application which would force them to use the data services.

Would love to hear interesting ideas for mobile applications.....comments please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Especially in worst indian traffic conditions, more and more people are going to use mobile to access internet to kill the time while travelling.

11:11 AM  

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