Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Search Pattern

I have embarked on a small excercise to track all the searches i do it and how i do those searches...below is the first 10 of them.

Why do i Search

1. Getting more information about eric horvitz and OMM - Googglee - using search box built into browser.(opera)

2. Wanted to link to seth godins blog so needed to find it ...Googglee - using search box built into browser.(opera)

3. Rahman show to link to for blog post - Googglee - using search box built into browser.(opera)

3. Butler group - Read article on Wipro and wanted to check out other reports by butler group - Googglee - using search box built into browser.(opera)

4. Search for Innobase OY as a part of blog (CIO) - Googglee - using search box built into browser.(opera)

5. Wanted to do a site specific search with in CIO weblog - Google - Address bar / than google advanced search

6. EurOscon Details - Google - Address bar

7. AIX Commands - Google - Address bar

8. IBM Error code - - Google - Address bar

9. Search of What is written about JBOSS new realease - ICEROCKET

10. Specific AIX Commands. - Google - Address bar

How am i keeping track , Really simple, I maintain a note in the "Opera Notes" section, where i keep track of them.


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