Today, i got back to using the RSS Calendar, though they have some pretty important or key features that are missing, i can see from the site tha they are working on it, top most on my list is ability to import and export from Outlook. I think this is of vital importance for wider adoption.
Also another facility is "Allow subscriber to add to your calendar or comment/RSVP to events". Once they get these two facilities onboard i will start using this facility extensively. And will try and get more & more people on board.
Ooops digressed, the reason i love it was because today i entered and event in the calender and for the first time subscribed to the feed from with in Bloglines, Then i saw the output and was totall impressed,
First it gave me the complete details of the event, then i had two links which led me to one the map of the place the other was a facility which gave me the temprature details of the place. That really had me impressed.
Then it gave me 4 other options
- Add This to My RSSCalendar
- Import to MS Outlook (VCal)
- Import to Other (ICal)
- Contact Prashanth
All of which i thought were totally cool and required feature i imported the same into my MS Outlook, Need to get more people to start using this facility. But before that RSS Calender, Please give me those two features, that i have requested for.
KK get yourself registered on the site.
"Prashanth Rai"
Informative article, exactly what I needed.
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